Monday, December 26, 2005

Credit Cards

How our "gotta have it now" lifestyles are influencing even students' thinking about their grades.

As the end of the marking period approached I had a student with a grade that was just below what they wanted. They approached me and asked first if I would just give them the better grade (of course not I give you what you earned). Then they asked if they could "borrow" some points from the next marking period to improve their grade in this marking period. In essence they wanted to use credit for their grade. In hindsight maybe I should have a taught a lesson on credit cards and charged her interest on those points until she earned some in the next marking period but I just polietly refused to credit her grade and gave her what she earned. No wonder out country has such a problem with credit card debt, why save when you can have it now.

PS: I love year in review specials this time of is kind of pathetic how much I will watch of news I've already seen.

Friday, December 23, 2005

My First Attempt

It has been a very big year getting married, graduating college, beginning my first teaching job, and buying a house. I don't know if this will focus more on the interesting things that occur as a new teacher or the my more random thoughts.

Freudian Slips of the Student Kind (sorry if you don't get the math references but that's what I teach)
- So that is the transvestite right? (Referring to the transversal)
- Chinchilla Verbatim (Correct Answer: Euclidean Parallel Postulate)
- We call that the contraceptive right? (Actually it's the contrapositive)
- 3 + 5 = 7 (This is high school people come on!)